Stone Oven Wholesale Bakery’s Jewish Rye is hand-crafted using a medium-coarse, whole grain rye flour and aromatic caraway seeds. Our Rye has a soft, flavorful crumb combined with a chewy crust. We believe it’s the best Rye Bread in Cleveland!
Rye is a cousin to wheat, and grows well in much poorer soil than wheat can typically tolerate. Rye plants withstand cold better than other small grains do. Rye will survive with snow cover that would otherwise result in winter-kill for winter wheat. Most of the rye flour we use is derived from ‘winter ryes’, which are planted and begin growing in autumn. In spring, the plants develop quickly and produce their crop.
Given its hearty nature and vigorous growth, rye easily suppresses even the most invasive weed competitors. For this reason, rye can be grown without the application of herbicides and is a more environmentally friendly crop than most wheats.
- Offered as 1# loaf, 2# loaf, sandwich sized pan loaf, pullman and as buns and rolls
- Vegan
Caraway Seeds: In Germany, caraway has a long tradition as the best herbal remedy for stomach bloating and intestinal cramps, calming an irritated or nervous stomach. Read more HERE.
And, if caraway seeds aren’t your thing, we also offer American Pumpernickel without caraway seeds.